
These values represent my personal beliefs and are in alignment with the overarching philosophies of the Liberal National Party. They provide an objective and timeless foundation for the Constitution.

Freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of expression and freedom of association as the building blocks of a robust and fair society.

The indispensable forum where children are raised and nurtured, and the foundation of resilient communities and a cohesive society.

Smaller government.
With an emphasis on facilitating the potential of people, catalysing their intuition to do good and encouraging rather than stifling initiative.

The individual.
The worth and dignity of every individual, the priority of helping the marginalised, and public and personal integrity, in underpinning a society in which people of different beliefs and cultures live in peace and harmony with each other.

The right to private property.
The right to be rewarded for effort and wherever possible, government should not compete with an efficient private sector; and that businesses and individuals – not government – are the true creators of wealth and employment.

A sustainable environment.
Balancing the need to be productive while preserving our natural assets to be enjoyed by future generations.


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